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Bon Plan : Myst à l'honneur chez Humble Bundle, notamment

De l'aventure et du mystère, voilà le programme du dernier pack Humble Bundle. Mais attention, point de Mistery Machine pour vous venir en aide, il faudra compter sur vos méninges pour vous en sortir !

Return to where everything began with the 2021 remake of the original Myst on PC or in VR, more stunning than ever thanks to the Unreal Engine. Venture further into its wondrous worlds in the critically acclaimed sequels Riven and Myst III: Exile. Enjoy acclaimed titles from Cyan Inc. like Firmament and Obduction, with full VR support too! Add a critical chapter of gaming history to your library and support Active Minds with your purchase! Active Minds is grateful for Humble Bundle's support of our organization's important mental health mission. Active Minds was not involved in the selection of the games in this promotion and does not necessarily endorse those software or agree with the advice or ideas expressed in them.

C'est ici.


1.79 €
  • - The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition
  • - Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel
  • - Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo
4.49 €
  • - URU: Complete Chronicles
  • - Myst V: End of Ages
  • - Riven: The Sequel to MYST
6.29 €
  • - Myst IV: Revelation
  • - Myst: Masterpiece Edition
8.99 €
  • - Myst III: Exile
  • - Obduction
  • - realMyst: Masterpiece Edition
17.98 €
  • - Myst (2021)
  • - Firmament
PS : tous les jeux ne sont pas en français.

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Posté le 26 Septembre 2024 à 09:30 par Sébastien Vandeborre

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